Here Is A Bird’s Eye View On Commercial Shopfitting Essential Details

The projects of commercial shopfitters speak for themselves. These are impressive works of art. Even better, it is something that people can freely enjoy. As different commercial establishments have fitout works on them, people are more inclined to visit and spend more time there. The establishments become more than just a place to eat and shop. Instead, commercial establishments become an irresistible feast for the senses. The combination of sensory appeal and practicality is ideal for any business. An interior fitout is now necessary more than ever. More than its practical implications, it can also be used as a good marketing tool. Establishments with interior fitout work on them see more visitors. People are more inclined to patronize such establishments for providing the complete experience.

The World of Commercial Shopfitting

Established Credibility

Companies such as Storebuild Australia have mastered the entire shopfitting cycle. Firstly, shopfitting companies have to possess the following qualifications to gain their much-needed credibility: –       Highly-skilled, professional, and customer service-oriented employees. They should be masters of shopfitting or interior design and ideally have a substantial amount of completed projects attached to their names. Individuals who possess a strong inclination to interior design and the arts may also be part of a shopfitting company. –       A significant number of years doing business. A company that has lasted over several years says a lot about its overall management capabilities in general. –       Proven track record of exceptional completed projects. Most shopfitting companies gain new customers through referrals aside from traditional lead-generating activities. Clients are highly likely to leave comments and feedback on completed works, whether good or bad. Ideally, companies with mostly positive comments are the ones that automatically stand out from the rest. –       Extended network of suppliers and partners. Companies that established good relationships with different businesses are commendable. Also, it has significant practical implications. This means a big network of suppliers translates to bigger discounts.

Shopfitting Cycle

The role of a shopfitter varies from one company to another. However, the possession of strong organizational skills is a common denominator. Companies such as Storebuild Australia is an experts in the entire shopfitting cycle:


The design has to be aligned with the client’s perspectives. However, the shopfitter may also contribute suggestions and recommendations. At the end of the day, the overall project design has to be agreed upon by both the client and the shopfitter.


Upon design approval, organizing the entire project ensues. This covers all activities such as the following: –       Identifying key personalities to work on the project, –       Budget allocation for materials, professional fees, etc. –       Contacting suppliers to provide materials needed for the project –       Purchasing of necessary materials for the project –       Furnishing of contracts and other important agreements/documents

Construction/Project Proper

This phase is the start of the actual work. Hair salon customized fitout or gym interior design works commence. This is a crucial part of the entire cycle. This is the beginning of showcasing a shopfitter’s capability and capacity to deliver commitments on time and as per agreed-upon terms.


The shopfitter must communicate the following to all involved personalities: –       Update on different construction/project phases (eg. Installation of light fixtures, shelvings, tiles/carpet, blinds, etc) –       Budget allocation usage and breakdown –       Roadblocks or issues encountered during construction especially those that need immediate action –       Additional suggestions/recommendations to further improve the project –       Deadline compliance


This is the project of the commercial shopfitter’s culmination stage. The finished interior fitout work gets to be showcased. Clients and other individuals carefully scrutinize the work done. Any additional work or adjustments may also take place during this part of the shopfitting cycle. When all adjustments are done, the hair salon customized fitout or restaurant interior design shall be officially accepted. Related Articles