Five Crucial Items To Know Before Starting A Design Project For Your Home Or Office

The best fitout projects are those that stem from collaboration and honest partnership with the designer. A holistic and fully functional interior design is essential for any home or office. It gives a whole new meaning to form and function. These two contribute to a space well utilized and design uniquely appealing.

If you are either renovating your home or office or decorating any space from scratch, an in-depth design consultation process is a must. This process shall deal with anything needed to make the design endeavor a success. These items are most likely to come up during the discussion:

–    Design concept

–    Budget requirements 

–    Utilization of space

–    Furniture, shelves, storage

–    Project Timeframe

Prior to the design consultation especially for a commercial fitouts project in Melbourne or other cities, all items must be clear. Giving in-depth and serious thoughts on the above-mentioned items shall make the process faster and more streamlined.

For proper guidance, let’s discuss the points one by one, shall we?

Design Concept

Here, the design consultation in your Melbourne home or office will dig deep into everything that concerns aesthetic appeal. Every single visible detail may be discussed. An expert in fitouts or interior design will not leave any design aspect out.

It is best to know your design concept prior to the consultation. It pays to do your homework in advance. You have to get details from your paint selection, colour combination, motif or theme, and the like. As soon as the consultation begins, communicate all your ideas to the designer. Then, collaborate until you both come to a feasible and executable design concept.

Budget Requirements

A commercial fitouts expert in Melbourne or interior design expert is well-trained and highly skilled to work with any of their client’s budgetary requirements. They are most likely affiliated or in partnership with different suppliers who are able to give them a good price quotation. However, do note that too little budget for a specific project won’t work. Please be realistic. Almost nothing comes cheap these days.

Utilization of space

Regardless of the size of your office or home, experts know how to maneuver their way around to make the most out of it. It does help to be clear about your intentions in using the space, every nook and cranny of it. As space is getting less and less nowadays, it is essential to have a clear vision for it to be maximized to its full potential.

If you are unclear, the design expert should definitely have useful and practical suggestions. Listen to what they have to say. Interject with your own visions and thoughts as well. This way, it becomes a collaborative effort between you and your designer. With such practice, nothing gets lost in translation.

Furniture, shelves, storage

Many pieces of furniture in the market are multi-functional. A bed when collapsed becomes a table. Or a table when folded literally becomes incorporated in the wall. These advanced and brilliantly designed furniture don’t come cheap. However, they utilize any given space. It may be a good idea to have these kinds of furniture integrated in your design concept.

Regardless if the design is for home or office, storage is crucial. Everything has to be stored neatly, either to be away from sight or to be showcased for visitors. The best fitout projects are the ones which wisely use up the space to the last inch of it.

Project Timeframe

A design project should NEVER be rushed. In this case, haste definitely makes waste. Give your design team an ample time to work on the project. However, be clear on the deadline too. You can’t expect a total overhaul in just a week. It is possible, but the best results may not be achieved.

If you are in a hurry, be open with them. After a thorough design consultation process, they surely can give a decent time frame from start to turnover. See if it fits your intended schedule. If not, then come up with a compromise. Remember, the best fitout projects are those that did not get rushed.

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